Anyorbit navigation in 3d environments
SUI 2016 Best Poster Award Winner!
AnyOrbit is a 6DOF spatial navigation technique that utilises orbital trajectories. It can be applied to virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), computer-aided design (CAD), data visualisation, and the consumption of other 3D content including 3D real-time sports. The key invention here is the use of spiral trajectories to navigate smoothly between orbital paths around different points of interest. We have demonstrated several regimes and use-cases. Please click the video for an introduction.
Papers related to AnyOrbit:
If you want to speak to me about this technology, please contact me.
Sports spectating
The future of media is full-3D. But how will we watch 3D sports? AnyOrbit allows unprecedented movement and control to view sports with HMDs.
Storytelling AND DATA VISUALisation
Giving the director charge of the point of interest allows 360 degree freedom to users in VR while still directing the users attention.
Visualisation and navigation of the 5000 brightest stars visible from earth.
Poster presented at SUI 2016 in Tokyo, it won the Best Poster Award!