4 Essential Audiobooks to Understand AI, VR, and New Tech

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In this new world, saying that the possibilities of technology are boundless is an understatement. In our previous article, we asked ChatGPT about superintelligent artificial intelligence (AI) and whether this automatically acquires morality, and if there’s a symbiotic relationship between intelligence and compassion. In this conversation, we touched on concepts like value alignment — the programming of ethical principles — and feedback loops. The depth of this discussion is only the tip of the iceberg of the boundless potential of AI and other new tech like virtual reality (VR).

This may look intimidating at an initial glance. However, any fear of new tech only stems from unfamiliarity and the unknown. That is why understanding these concepts and the potential of these new tools is paramount as we navigate the landscapes of emerging technologies. Audiobooks, with their immersive storytelling and convenient accessibility, emerge as a key medium for unraveling the mysteries of these technological frontiers.

Audiobooks and understanding new tech

In a world where digital integration is the norm, audiobooks seamlessly align with the tech-focused lifestyle, offering a hands-free and versatile way to delve into the complexities of new technologies. Thousands of titles are accessible on subscription platforms. New tech is integral to the process as well, as seen in how Everand hosts a variety of audiobooks with sleep timer features or machine learning recommendations. Whether it's The History of the Future by Blake J. Harris or AI Superpowers by Kai-Fu Lee, the audiobook medium can transform abstract concepts into compelling narratives that can be played online or offline.

Beyond the popularity of subscription platforms, it is clear that audiobooks will continue to bridge the realms of knowledge dissemination and the digital age. AI is crucial in both the front and backends of this process. As a trailblazer in the integration of digital voice technology, DeepZen employs AI in the audiobook production process to simplify what was once a complex and time-intensive endeavor. This will ensure that audiobook production can swiftly capture and convey the intricacies of emerging technologies, playing a larger role in how we consume information about the latest advancements and becoming an indispensable resource for tech enthusiasts, professionals, and curious minds alike.

Four essential audiobooks for understanding new tech

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark

Starting with the Tale of the Omega Team, who released the advanced AI Prometheus that would take over the world, Tegmark delves into ethical quandaries, societal shifts, and potential future scenarios shaped by AI. While this was released in 2013, it remains an indispensable reminder that all of humanity must align AI with the values that are best for humankind.

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee

In AI Superpowers, Kai-Fu Lee shifts the focus to the global landscape of artificial intelligence, examining its repercussions on the economy and society. Drawing on his expertise as the former president of Google China, Lee explores the competitive dynamics between the United States and China in the AI realm, deciphering how the latter utilized a combination of government support and innate entrepreneurial zeal. Readers can use this audiobook alongside others to gain a comprehensive picture of whether China could win the global AI contest as posited.

The History of the Future by Blake J. Harris

This audiobook offers a fascinating exploration of the intersection between VR and entrepreneurship by focusing on the rise and fall of Oculus. It discusses the challenges of bringing new tech to the masses with a behind-the-scenes perspective of Oculus Rift founder Palmer Luckey. This personal account adds a human touch to the technological narrative and makes it relatable to a wider audience.

Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane by Brett King

The transformative realm of the Augmented Age is said to compose four key disruptive themes — AI, Experience Design, Smart Infrastructure, and HealthTech. Exploring its effects on various aspects of daily life, from healthcare to entertainment, King provides insights into how this new tech is reshaping our reality with a writing style that’s conversational and highly readable. This makes the audiobook highly accessible to all readers, whether you are a beginner to new tech or a futurism geek.

As we absorb the wisdom from these audiobooks, it's essential to look forward to the future that awaits us. When navigating the twists and turns of technological evolution, our psychedelic puzzle game Squingle in particular is a great metaphor for the mysteries yet to unfold. This liquid crystal journey through iridescent mazes offers a multisensory showcase that transcends the boundaries of reality. So, grab your headphones and delve into the universe of AI, VR, and new tech.

Contributed post by Joy Weiler